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Anonymous Story

Hi there,

I don't really know how to write about this... I'm not much of a writer so don't mind my writing...

My mother met a guy 12 years ago via the internet, she became very very ill and he introduced her to drugs such as morphine, P, etc. to help with her pain as doctors medication did not help..

years on they broke up and he went crazy never leaving us alone... he eventually went to jail...

but my mother... she never left that life behind, she continued to be friends with that crowd, she allowed them in our family home. She would continuously lie about drugs, even though it was extremely obvious, "Get out of the kitchen", "don't come in the kitchen" was something I heard daily. Needles 'hidden' in places that I always found, spoons in the freezer.

My younger sister moved out to her friends house when she was 13 years old(17 now) due to a house invasion.. she had had enough.

Another few years on and a crazy bf on my mums tried to burn our house down (that my grandparents owned) so along with the broken windows, home invasion, and other dramas they decided they have had enough. They sold our family home, the place my mum had lived for 20 years (I was 17 at the time).

I came back from a school trip to then go move in with my bf all of a sudden...

3 years on and shes still using... and still lying about it...

I visited her every day the other week to try and stop her from committing suicide.. she's a wee bit better now (drugs??)

I went to her house the other day and the guy that burnt our house was at her house... I was furious...

Today someone broke into her house... sympathy?? I'm finding it hard to have now...

I'm trying to find a way to get her help, once again.. any suggestions?

I tried to make this as short as possible, it's just so hard with all the crap that's gone on...

if you read this I appreciate it greatly..

Anon xx

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